Friday, May 24, 2013

Out As Long As In

Rooey Pooey has been in this world as long as she was in utero!
She is very close to crawling.
Can stand on her own while holding onto the couch.
Waves hello and bye bye. 
Loves swimming and has a tan line!
She said her first word with recognition....dada. (bummer)
Has an attitude when told not to put stuff in her mouth.
Finally likes playing on the floor with her toys.
Can devour Triscuits with the power of drool.
 Must turn and watch the TV if Spongebob or The Big Bang Theory theme songs are playing.
Sleeps from 8pm-7am with a 3am feeding.

She had her 9 month check up on Tuesday. She had to get a shot, TB test, and a blood sample to check for iron levels. Dr. Rendler said she looks great and is developing beautifully. I told him about her crackling (which comes and goes and had previously been connected with her GERD) and her rapid breathing (something she's had since birth) but he said she sounded great. He suggested I keep a journal of her breathing, if I'm that concerned, to see if there is any triggers. We'll see if I do that. Haha! I'm terrible at that kind of thing and I guess I'm not that concerned. Her iron came back slightly low so yesterday I took her for a full blood draw to see if it is low enough for intervention. Negative fun. They are suppose to give me a call in the next few days to let me know. Hopefully it's nothing diet can't fix.

Weight 15lbs 12oz (5-10%)
Head is 42cm (5-10%)
Height 26 1/2" (10-25%)

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