Monday, August 19, 2013

Tooth and Steps

So there really should be pictures of both these milestones but I'm just too excited to wait for this post....

We have a tooth!
AND we've got her first steps!

This weekend Rowan was really fussy. She has had swollen bottom gums for what seems like forever. I decided to put a little orajel on them when she was having a particularly bad time with it, and what did I find!? Yup, one little tooth has made it's entrance.

Then today, actually about an hour ago, Nippon, Rowan, and I were playing on the floor. Nippon and I were sitting across from each other, holding Rowan in a standing position, and helping her walk across the living room floor. She wouldn't let go of our hands at first but then she took a couple of steps on her own and we both burst into cheers. That made her super excited and decided she wanted to keep doing that. It eventually lead to her walking all the way from one of us to the other...about 6 steps all on her own! She is still pretty wobbly and prefers the faster method of crawling, but I suspect she'll be fully walking in a couple of weeks.

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