Friday, August 9, 2013

Kidding Around

We've been going to this indoor play place called Kidding Around since moving to San Diego. This was the first time that Rowan got to join in the fun, and boy did she have some!

She loved pushing this thing around.
She seemed very proud that she was walking.

Who doesn't love balls?

Beep beep!

What to play with next.....

Brother showing her how it's done.
(Just after this was taken she fell and bumped her head.)

Playing in the big kid area.

Yeah, I know what I'm doing.

She just giggled and giggled while riding the blue dog.
(You can see the bump on her forehead.)

Afton looking cool on his awesome pink ride.


  1. This looks like such a fun place. You get the benefit of playing with all of the fun toys without having to buy them or store them at your own house. Win, Win.


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