Monday, February 25, 2013

Half a Year

WAIT just a second! Is this really true?!?! Has 6 months come and gone so fast!?

Rowan is the loveliest of babies. She has endless eyelashes, petite everything, and the best laugh. It's hard to get more than a quick giggle out of her but when you get that full-on laughter it is absolutely the greatest of all sounds. She is now sleeping in her own bed (big thanks to Kimberlee Krok on that one!) and is only waking 1-2 times a night! Ok, so she does have some nights where she wakes up more than that (like last night and the night before) but it's a work in progress. I'm just happy to have my bed back and a bit more sleep. Now that she is in her own room she is taking better naps too, which frees me up to do fun things such as cleaning, laundry, and giving extra attention to Afton. (I might even sneak in a movie, or at least part of one.)

She is getting so active but isn't mobile, which totally frustrates her, so we got her a Jumperoo. It frees up my hands and she gets her wiggles out. She can really bounce high in that thing!
This another example of how different my two kids are. Afton, as a baby, was content to roll around on the floor without any added stimulation. If Rowan is not being held she MUST have something to chew on, make a noise, flash a light, or interact with her or there's tears. It's going to be hard, I mean fun, keeping up with her.

First time in the big stroller! 

It doesn't look like she's impressed, but she did like the swing.

This is at an indoor play place Afton loves to go to (he went to their preschool before starting at Shoal Creek). Normally I wouldn't put my baby into a walker shared with who knows how many kids but she was so wiggly, wanting to get down and play with the big kids, that I went ahead (build up that immune system!). She LOVED it. Her little feet dangling and kicking.

Rowan weighs 13lbs. 7oz.
Her height is 24 1/2".
And her lil head is 40cm (3-5%).


  1. Good job with her sleeping! I'm glad I could help in a small way, but you've done all the hard work so give yourself a pat on the back. Seriously, she is go gorgeous! Your post made me realize I am in denial about how old my baby is getting. In my mind I thought your baby was way older, when she is only a month older! Going by way too fast:(


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