Monday, August 23, 2010

More Teef

Since teeth have been on the mind, I wanted to document the growth of Afton's pearly whites. His first teeth (he got the top two at the same time) started coming in last year while we were in India. They started swelling at the beginning of October 2009 and were in around Christmas, which was when his bottom two teeth began their arrival. He has had those 4 teeth since January and it seemed that he would never get any more. Finally he started to get his next two teeth (on the top) in July and that started a full on bloom of them. Currently he is getting the two teeth next to his bottom ones as well as two bottom molars! He is super drolly and is constantly chewing on his fingers. Luckily he isn't too whiny, but there have been some days that he wakes up really early or doesn't want to nap because they are bothering him. I have given him teething tabs, which work for a little while. He seems to thinks they are candy or something even though they have no flavor. I also tried Orajel. He hates it! I have resorted to some pain meds to give him a little relief, but I do that sparingly. Overall though he hasn't been to grumpy, and I'm excited that he will be able to chew up his food better. Hopefully I won't have to give him puree fruits and veggies any more. Yay for teeth!

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