Wednesday, October 24, 2012

2 Month Stats & Pics

Lil girl is 2 months old today! Here are her stats from her doctor visit this week...

Height: 20 1/2" (5-10%)
Weight: 8lbs. 9oz. (10-25%)
Head: 36cm (5-10%)

Rowan is still colicky but is getting better. She is smiling and cooing a lot, which makes me SO happy. It's so stressful having your baby crying in pain all the time. I love her big brown eyes with those long lashes. She loves her brother and he makes her smile all the time. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Heather she is just precious and just a little thing! She still isn't as big as Jack or Ella when they were born! What a sweet little angel face she has. Good work Heather.


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