Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's Official

We are moving to San Diego!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!

Nippon had a job interview last week and yesterday they officially made him an offer, which he accepted. He is set to start April 18th so we don't have any time to waste find a place, getting our house ready to rent, packing, ect. ect. ect. It's going to be a bit crazy at our house for the next three weeks! I am super excited to start this new adventure, but I will definitely miss my friends, family, and familiar spots in Arizona. I guess change is always hard, but luckily it's fun too!


  1. Your soooooo LUCKY! I love San Diego. Now where will you vacation now that you live there?

  2. That is so Awesome!! Can't wait to come visit! :)

  3. If I had to pick any place other than AZ to live it would be San Diego. Congratulations!

  4. Wait, What! You're moving after we just connected! That will be totally fun and I hear San Diego is the place to be! Good luck and we will have to continue blog stalking each other:)

  5. That's so exciting!! We will miss you in AZ fo' sho'.


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