Monday, May 3, 2010

In (Cooking) Heaven

After picking up an awesome black Calvin Klein suit for Nippon at Macy's, we strolled along toward the children clothing section. On the way we passed by the cookware and kitchen appliances. We have been needing new cookware FOREVER and stopped to look as we always do. There was this beautiful 10-piece set calling our names. Oh the delicious creations I could make with such a set! The store clerk saw the yearning in our eyes and swiftly came to give his shpeel. The set came with a free 5-quart dutch oven and a 7 piece kitchen tool set. (!!!) We decide to walk over to the kids clothing to think about it. This did not take long. We are now the proud owners of a Calphalon Unison set. YAY! Unfortunately (or maybe not) they didn't have the kitchen tool set, so they told us to pick something of equal value ($50). We chose a round grill pan. Sweeeeeeet!

Now I it weird that I'm this excited about cookware? I tell you no. These pots & pans are fantabulous. The food cooks faster, tastes better, and they look amazing. This purchase is right up there with my Dyson Animal Vac. Pure heaven.


  1. uh-oh. i might have found something to use our million and one wedding bed bath and beyond gift cards for. :)

    congratulations on the purchase! and i would totally take the grill pan over a kitchen set!


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