Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pearly Whites

On Monday Mr. Afton went to the dentist for the first time. He went with me to my appointment last week to check it out and see what it looks like to have your teeth cleaned. He liked it at first but then got extremely bored (it does take a while, especially with friendly and chatty hygienists) and a little scared of the sounds. Needless to say, he wasn't very excited to come back until the hygienist informed him he would be able to pick a prize form the treasure box after his exam.

Waiting for his name to be called. He changed seats probably 10 times. The boy couldn't sit still he was so excited.

All ready for his exam. Trying out the dentist chair...up, down. So cool mom!

They didn't let me stay in the room while he had his x-rays, cleaning, and check up but I did got back and talk to the dentist and find out how he did. AND he did wonderful! Zero cavities! They did say he might have overcrowding when his adult teeth come in since he has a small jaw. This isn't much of a surprise since Nippon had the same issues. They will keep watch and may have to pull a few baby teeth if space is needed.  Afton said he picked out cherry flavoring for his cleaning and that it tasted "yummy." Haha!

This picture was taken while he stared at his x-rays. He was pretty amazed at what his teeth look like (and so was I), especially the adult teeth still growing in his jaw bone.

I forgot to get a picture of the treasures he picked out; a sparkly bouncy ball and a sticky hand. He also received a new Spongebob toothbrush and toothpaste. His response..."how did they know I love Spongebob?!" How indeed Afton. Ha! I had also promised him that he could pick out a prize at Ross, which is close to the dentist office. He was pretty happy to find some Pokemon figures.

I'm so glad everything went smoothly. He has a fear of loud noises and very strong gag reflex, so I was totally prepared to have them make a referral to a pediatric dentist. Yay for not having to do that. And another yay for clean and healthy teeth! Good job big boy!

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