Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I've been listening to this podcast called Serial, and I really really like it. It is a true story about a murder that took place in '99 and the teenager (now in his 30s) that was convicted of the crime. But did he do it? That is the basic point of the podcast. The journalist's search for "the truth." But the underlying message, to me, is about perspective. I've gotten into a mess of my own, where perception has played a huge part in creating negativity where I had not meant for it to be, and it comes down to almost 100% perspective.  Anyhoo, I have found listening to this podcast to be more than just a "who-done-it," but it is also very enthralling trying to figure out who's lying, who's points of views are askew, and what the heck happened!? If you get a change, and you like this sort of thing, check it out.


  1. Interesting! Our whole existence is about perspective I think. Hence millions of different people and cultures, none of them better or more right than the other, it is 100% based on perspective. Cool share!:)

    1. Exactly, Kim! It's actually my favorite parts about humans. We all have such different views, opinions, and perspectives. It makes things so very interesting! Sadly, people don't usually tend to like perspectives that differ from their own.


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