Thursday, October 2, 2014

Disney 2014

In August we went with Nippon's family to Disneyland and California Adventure! We are spoiled. Most of the pictures are from Toontown. The kids spent a lot of time there, and it's easier catching (and remembering) pictures when it's not crowded and chaotic. Rowan loved running and playing, and wasn't a huge fan of the rides. She didn't hate it as much as Afton did at her age, but she wasn't begging to go either. The kids got to go on the Peter Pan ride, one of my favorite rides, for the first time. They both loved the stars over London (or maybe I just convinced them that they loved it). Rowan couldn't get enough of the parades because there was a real live Elsa! She would get very upset if we missed her. Lucky there were lots of parades throughout the day. 

Rowan was not a fan of Mickey Mouse, even though she is the biggest Mickey fan in our family. I guess it's quite different seeing him in person rather than on tv in cartoon form. Afton loved seeing him though, and they both were patient and well-behaved during the long wait.

California Adventure is such a great place to visit after a full day of running around Disneyland. We took a lot more breaks; relaxing with a drink and letting the kids run around. We also decided to check out a show, since that mean AC and a chair. I had heard that Aladdin was good, so the kids and I waited in line for almost an hour to get ridiculously great seats. Nippon is lucky I didn't make him wait with us...actually, it was much better for all of us that Nippon went with Tikon on California Screaming while we waited. I can only handle two whiny children.

There were a couple of rides we hadn't been on before, so we checked them out. Luigi's Flying Tires was awesome! Rowan had fun leaning this way and that. And the 4D experience in Bugland was terrifyingly great. Afton really liked the part when the seats buzzed, and when the fog they used (as the bug spray) was so thick you couldn't see in front of you. I'm lying, he hated it. BUT he didn't run out screaming with tears running down his face, Progress! Ha! Sadly we didn't make it on Radiator Springs Racers, but now we have something to look forward to next time.

Afton always enjoys the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail. There are tracks to follow, a slide, lots of climbing, and this time he was tall enough to ride on the tire swing. 

Afton also picked Grizzly River Run as his "new ride" pick. We didn't mention the drops, or he would have changed his mind. Once on the ride he was hilarious. He kept saying "why did I pick this ride!!!?!!!" and "you didn't say it was going to be fast!!!" and the best "NO! NO! NO! NO!" as we approached the big drop. Even though he says he had fun, the first thing he said after it was over is that he is never going on it again. Ha! We'll see.

And I leave you with groovy Mr. Rath.

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