Thursday, March 20, 2014

Across the Street Neighbor Comes for a Visit

My best friend Jaime's mom, Jan, came to visit a couple of weeks ago. We met up with her, Jaime, and Jan's husband Lynn, in Old Town at the Mormon Battalion. Afton loves panning for gold, so he was super excited to go. The kids had tons of fun washing clothes on a washboard, pumping water, and finding gold while the adults chatted away. I think Rowan may have had the most fun considering how soaked she was by the end.

I moved across the street from the Hunts when I was 5 years old, so I've know Jan for a long time. I always remember her taking pictures so we could capture all those memories. A lot of the photographs I have from my youth were taken by her, including most of the older pictures I have posted on this blog. Anyway, she was so sweet and asked Afton to climb into the covered wagon for a photo op....

and one with the canon......

and of course we had to have group shots!

This picture was taken the next day at the zoo. Aren't we the cutest!?

I was so happy to have another day to spend with Jan. We visited the zoo and then had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. I love listening to Jan tell stories and reminisce, but I especially love her laugh. It is simply the best!

1 comment:

  1. Heather you look beautiful and Rowan is blowing my mind she's a gorgeous little thing!


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