Friday, September 17, 2010

It's Potty Time!

I bought Afton this potty chair a while back and have slowly been getting him use to it. He used it a couple of time but nothing consistent. This last week he has really jumped on the potty training wagon. He uses it several times a day to go pee, and yesterday actually pooped in it!!! His face was hilarious. He seemed dumbfounded as to what it was. I made a big deal about it, clapping and giving high fives, so he became excited as well. We did a happy dance to the bathroom and I let him flush it (his favorite part) and washed our hands (his second favorite part). I'm so proud of him. My technique isn't anything special. I take him over to the potty every hour or so and let him try. I think the process of taking the potty to flush it is the part he enjoys so I haven't had to use any other incentives, i.e. treats, stickers or presents. He tends to go to corners and hide when he poops, so I took the chair to one of his regular spots and gave him some privacy. This did the trick. I know we are just at the beginning, but it's nice knowing that he understands and is willing to do it.


  1. Nice! Want to come to my house and help Emmie out?

  2. Yay Afton and Heather. How exciting! I can't wait until Ella is potty trained:)

  3. oh the joys of motherhood that i will one day be welcomed with! :) at least you'll be there to share your tricks of the trade.


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