Sunday, November 25, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tres Mes

Oh what three months can do! It's like I have a real baby. About a week ago Rowan started acting more comfortable in this world. She actually laughs, even babbles back when you talk to her! It kills me. I'm so in love.

Nippon's family came to visit for Thanksgiving and they were floored at the change. They last saw Rowan when we were in Sedona, and she would scream and cry if anyone but her mama held her. Now she smiles and cooed back and them. I've never seen my mother-in-law so happy. Ok, so maybe that's a little overboard, but she was VERY happy to be able to hold her and play with her.

She doesn't have a doctor appt until the end of December, but I'm going to guess that she is around 11 lbs.
She has the cutest ears that stick out ever so slightly. Adorable.
She LOVES the outdoors. If she is fussy we just take her in the backyard and she calms down.
Hates her carseat to the max. I have to carry her around in the Baby Bjorn everywhere (my poor back!). I thought she would get better about riding in her seat, but no.
She is still sleeping in 3-4 hour increments at night. I actually don't mind it because she eats and goes right back to sleep. Also, she sleeps with me still, making it quick and easy to get her fed and back to sleep. Her daytime naps are a whole other story. Afton had such a good schedule when he was a baby, which happened organically without any problems. He would take long and frequent naps. Rowan is a cat napper most of the time, with 15min-45min naps. Then some times she will have random 2-4 hour naps. I can't plan around naps because I never know when she is going to take one!

Happy three months sunshine!

Afton adores her. He loves hugging and snuggling her, especially in the mornings.

Gobble Gobble

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Afton's Thankful

I asked Afton what he is thankful for, and this was his reply:

The Air & Space Museum (Priorities)

Two beds (I think this refers to his bed and then, in the morning, snuggling with me in mine. )

Wood chip park (What he calls the park across the street. Obviously, the ground is covered in wood chips.)

Baby sister (Awwwww)

House (Self explanatory)

Toys (Yeah, he's three. Or does that matter?)

B (His stuffed bunny rabbit.)

School (Smart kid!)

Kid tablet (This is what he calls Nippon's Nexus tablet. It has all his favorite games on it, like Angry Birds.)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloweenie 2012

Afton was totally into Halloween this year. It's a good thing too because the neighborhood we live in is packed full of kids. Nippon took Afton around and he returned home with a basket full of loot. Nippon said he had a lot of fun but there were a few houses, one that had scary music playing, that he wouldn't go to. At home we had tons of trick-or-treaters (I thought we might run out of candy at one point) which I loved because I got to see all the cute and scary costumes. Aunt Jaime came over and kept Rowan and me company while passing out candy. We chatted with all the kids and made them earn their treats, like making the kid dressed as a Jabbawockeez bust a move. Next year I may have to steal my mom's idea of dressing as a witch and having the kids ride a broom in order to get their treat. 

Unfortunately I was having so much fun that I forgot to take pictures during the festivities. Luckily I got some photos of Afton dressed up earlier that day, as well as a couple from when he first tried on his costume. Sorry the pictures are so blurry. All my pics on the blog lately have been from my cell phone and I think there were finger prints on the lens or possibly shaky hands. Oh well.


I took Afton to his favorite indoor play place to attend Preschool Power Hour where they decorated cupcakes to look like tarantulas.

The kids and Miss Brittany

There was another Ninja Turtle, Raphael, there. Afton and he were instant best friends. They ran around together and  pretended to karate chop everything. Insanely cute.

Melody was dressed as a peacock. Probably my favorite costume of all. 

I had to throw in a picture of the girl even though I didn't dress her up. BUT there is a jack-o-lantern in the background, so I'm still considering it a Halloween pic. Ha!